Friday, April 24, 2009

Festal Vespers for St. George

On Wednesday evening, our home parish of St. George's here in Panorama had Festal Vespers for the feast of our patron saint, St. George the Great Martyr. We had eleven priests celebrating and one deacon, and the church was packed.

In the top photo, you can see our spiritual father, Fr. Spyridon, censing with the Paschal candle at the beginning of Vespers.

The second and third photos are of the entrance. I'm in the foreground to the left in the second, and in the back in the third.

Below is a photo from behind the altar of Fr. Panayioti, one of the parish priests here at St. George's, handing out artoklasia at the end of Vespers.

Below that is a photo of Fr. Panayioti speaking with Fr. Spyridon after the service.

Vespers was about 1.5-2 hours, and afterwards we went for a coffee (see bottom photo).

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